Protect yourself, your home, and your wallet
Replace that old furnace and save:
Is your furnace more than 15 years old? Have it replaced with one of the new ENERGY STAR rated models. They’re about 15% more efficient than standard models.
Every degree makes a difference:
Save money by lowering your thermostat to 68° in the winter. For every degree you lower your heat in the 60° to 70° range, you’ll save up to 5% on heating costs.
Don’t get burned by water heating costs:
Your water heater can account for 14% to 25% of the energy consumed in your home. Make sure you have an energy-efficient model and turn it down to 120°F to save.
Use your dishwasher to save time and energy:
Did you know that your dishwasher uses less hot water than washing dishes by hand? You’ll also conserve more energy if the dishwasher is fully loaded.
The pros at Inland Valley Heating & Air Conditioning can help you make an HVAC system repair or replacement decision. We provide quality HVAC services for homeowners in Inland Empire and the surrounding areas.